What a day! My five year olds pediatrician finally put him on a preventative medicine for his asthma - I was so relieved, only to go to Target and find out it costs $117 a month (WITH INSURANCE!)! Yeah, we are going to have to figure something else out. Not that I want to put a price tag on my son's health, but surely there is a better (and cheaper) way.
My sweet, sensitive, six year old has started lying lately. I was beginning to think he had some hidden personality that we didn't know about and was worried he was going to lead a life of crime, when I luckily talked to a few friends with six year olds and found out theirs are doing the same thing...(
sigh of relief) So I'm not so worried anymore that we'll see him on COPS on one day.
And the little one just fought me for an hour and twenty-two minutes to go to sleep. I fed him changed him, sang to him, put him in his crib....he cooed for about two minutes then started to scream. I tried to let him cry for a few minutes then thought, "what if he needs to burp?"-picked him up, no burp, did the mommy sway for a few more minutes as he fidgeted the whole time..because HELLO he's tired! Put the baby boy back in his crib, immediately got the lip as he proceeded to let me know he was not happy. Let him cry for about ten minutes, changed him (again) rocked him, put him back down. Now he was really mad. I tried to rub his belly and talk to him. He smiled at me as he was crying...you little rat! He sooo knows how to work his momma. I finally had to let him cry it out. Oh and during this my sweet hubby comes home from running errands, hears him crying, comes in and says,"Momma! Why is he crying!"
I feel like saying, "Well I pinched him, and I'm pretty sure he's hungry and has a poopy diaper. I'm trying to watch Dog the Bounty Hunter and just didn't feel like attending to him right now..." But I refrained, because I know that we are all a sucker for that pitiful cry and pouty lip, and plus my husband is just too sweet to be sarcastic to......yeah right!