
2.What was the first thing you said? Gosh I have no idea. I do remember I had just gotten out of the shower and so I had on my pajamas and my hair was up in a towel!
3. Where was your first date? First kiss? Our first date was to a restaurant called Spanky’s. Out of habit I asked him to pray before we ate, he said from that moment he knew I was different than any girl he had ever dated!
Our first kiss: It’s actually an inside joke between us - I say he kissed me first, he says the opposite. We were in his room watching tv. (Very romantic, I know)
4. Long or short courtship? We dated almost a year, then we broke up for like 10 months, then back together for a year. Engaged for 11 weeks. Then married on Aug 14, 1999!
5. Where were we engaged? We were looking at a house that he wanted to move in to - he opened the door to the living room and there was a candle lit dinner. I thought it was just a sweet jesture - when I turned to hug him he was down on one knee and asked me to marry him, and after that he said, “Oh by the way - this is our new house!”
6. Where were we married? At my home church in New Smyrna Beach Florida. It was a very simple, but big wedding. (remember, we planned it in 11wks)
7. Where was the reception? Also at my home church. We kicked it old school with cake, punch, nuts, and mints!
8. Where was your honeymoon? The first night we stayed at the Hilton in Hollywood, FL, and from there went to Key Largo for 5 days. SOOO relaxing and fun.
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