This is the bravest of my three, the only one of my boys who will go near Santa. Isaiah won't even wave anymore because, "That's not the real Santa mom, it's just one of his helpers that dress up like him." Elijah will wave, but that's about it. I guess only one Blanks boy will get what he wants this year...isn't that how it works?!...
Monday, December 10, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
Landon and I
I have no time to shower much less blog, but I will keep trying...
Here's a picture of Landon and I on Halloween. I don't know what was up with the flash, it gave our faces a lovely shade of blah!
We had a blast hanging out at a friend's house while all our kids played. I was so excited to hand out candy for the first time ever, and all of five kids came by! Oh well, maybe next year. Isaiah has decided he's not tricker treating next year, I guess he thinks he is too old?
Monday, September 10, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Bad Boy, Bad Boy, Whatcha Gonna Do
My sweet, sensitive, six year old has started lying lately. I was beginning to think he had some hidden personality that we didn't know about and was worried he was going to lead a life of crime, when I luckily talked to a few friends with six year olds and found out theirs are doing the same thing...(sigh of relief) So I'm not so worried anymore that we'll see him on COPS on one day.
And the little one just fought me for an hour and twenty-two minutes to go to sleep. I fed him changed him, sang to him, put him in his crib....he cooed for about two minutes then started to scream. I tried to let him cry for a few minutes then thought, "what if he needs to burp?"-picked him up, no burp, did the mommy sway for a few more minutes as he fidgeted the whole time..because HELLO he's tired! Put the baby boy back in his crib, immediately got the lip as he proceeded to let me know he was not happy. Let him cry for about ten minutes, changed him (again) rocked him, put him back down. Now he was really mad. I tried to rub his belly and talk to him. He smiled at me as he was little rat! He sooo knows how to work his momma. I finally had to let him cry it out. Oh and during this my sweet hubby comes home from running errands, hears him crying, comes in and says,"Momma! Why is he crying!"
I feel like saying, "Well I pinched him, and I'm pretty sure he's hungry and has a poopy diaper. I'm trying to watch Dog the Bounty Hunter and just didn't feel like attending to him right now..." But I refrained, because I know that we are all a sucker for that pitiful cry and pouty lip, and plus my husband is just too sweet to be sarcastic to......yeah right!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
My Baby has fallen asleep without crying, in his own crib!
I had my last baby almost four months ago. I took the plunge and had my tubes tied after my c-section. I feel so different this time around (maybe because I’m older - maybe because I know he’s my last). With the first two I was worried about getting them on a schedule, getting them to sleep through the night, etc. With this little guy, nothing seems to bother me. He wakes up three or four time during the night…no big! He cries for no apparent reason…no big! He poops as soon as I fasten the new diaper…NO BIG!After not knowing if I would even have another baby, I am taking in every moment with this little guy.
Thank you Father for all my babies! You are so good!
8 Years - 8 Things About my Wedding

2.What was the first thing you said? Gosh I have no idea. I do remember I had just gotten out of the shower and so I had on my pajamas and my hair was up in a towel!
3. Where was your first date? First kiss? Our first date was to a restaurant called Spanky’s. Out of habit I asked him to pray before we ate, he said from that moment he knew I was different than any girl he had ever dated!
Our first kiss: It’s actually an inside joke between us - I say he kissed me first, he says the opposite. We were in his room watching tv. (Very romantic, I know)
4. Long or short courtship? We dated almost a year, then we broke up for like 10 months, then back together for a year. Engaged for 11 weeks. Then married on Aug 14, 1999!
5. Where were we engaged? We were looking at a house that he wanted to move in to - he opened the door to the living room and there was a candle lit dinner. I thought it was just a sweet jesture - when I turned to hug him he was down on one knee and asked me to marry him, and after that he said, “Oh by the way - this is our new house!”
6. Where were we married? At my home church in New Smyrna Beach Florida. It was a very simple, but big wedding. (remember, we planned it in 11wks)
7. Where was the reception? Also at my home church. We kicked it old school with cake, punch, nuts, and mints!
8. Where was your honeymoon? The first night we stayed at the Hilton in Hollywood, FL, and from there went to Key Largo for 5 days. SOOO relaxing and fun.
Blue Light Special
Ok, I feel like my blog is the K-mart version compared to all the others out there, but oh well! Until I figure out how to make it more fancy - this will do. I don’t think I’ve left my house for a couple of days now. I’m in the process of simplifying - in other words - going through every closet, bin, and basket, and throwing away things I haven’t touched in awhile, and collecting a pile to go to the Goodwill. I can’t believe all the junk we have! Although I did find a pile of every card and letter that I wrote my hubby while we were dating. So sweet that he kept them all. I get cards from people, think, “how nice”, put them on my mantle for a few days and then throw them away! Is that wrong? I’ve looked at all those old letters more than he ever has! Maybe one day I’ll be glad he is such a pack rat…until then, the cleaning continues.
Cupcakes and Kisses
I forgot to post earlier that I did something I normally have a hard time doing…I let my five and six year old help me make cupcakes and decorate them! I know all the great moms let their kids help them cook and clean all the time, but I am not one of the moms. They are responsible for cleaning their room and certain chores, but most things I would rather do myself. Anyway, here is how they turned out, and yes we all had fun - even when my five year old wanted to put almost a whole bottle of sprinkles on one cupcake. Hey, who says you always have to color inside the lines!